Rice College Westport
An Edmund Rice School

Special Education Needs/SEN


Lorraine Ryan Jennings
Tina Gorke
Deirdre Ryan
Martin Hopkins


Maria McManamon
Michael Hodges
Dot Keegan
Mary O Malley

Overview of Special Educational Needs / Additional Needs

The needs of each individual student are of paramount importance to our school.

The SEN department liaises with our local primary schools to ease the transition of students from primary to post primary and to ensure that we are fully aware of our incoming students' needs.

STEN scores, literacy and numeracy tests and Abilities tests also allow us to pinpoint any difficulties a student may be having and to tailor a program to support that student.

Support for students is individualised and can take many forms such as team teaching, small group teaching and one to one tuition.

Support classes are provided to all qualifying students. Students exempt from studying Irish benefit from support teaching during this time. All documents and professional reports must be submitted to Rice College with the student Enrollment Form. This will facilitate timely applications to the National Council for Special Education (NCSE)

Multiple Disabilities Special Class.

Our school also has a special class for students with Multiple Disabilities.

Rice College considers applications for students who function in the Moderate range of general learning disability.

The management and staff endeavour to make our students’ school experience a happy and fulfilling one in which they can grow and develop to their full potential and experience success in a caring and supportive environment. The students' educational plan is tailored to their individual strengths and needs allowing the opportunity for them to engage in a wide range of core subjects.

We work closely with outside agencies to ensure students achieve meaningful goals and have a positive school experience.

Rice College recognises the importance of inclusion, we strive to integrate the students into the mainstream school community where possible.

Castlebar Rd, Westport, Co. Mayo, F28TK64, Ireland
098 25698
© 2025 Rice College Westport